It Takes Guts To Live Healthier

This post is sponsored by Swanson Health Products, but all opinions are my own

As I mentioned last week, later today I will be boarding a plane to head to Los Angeles for a big media tour with Swanson Health Products. I’m so excited for this trip, but I’m also nervous! Please send me good vibes!

I want to take the time today to tell you a bit more about this new line of probiotics! Simply put, probiotics are the “good” bacteria that promote the ideal conditions for your digestion to take place, helping to break down food and promote a healthy immune system and GI tract. If your gut bacteria, a.k.a. flora, is out of whack, you might have symptoms ranging from occasional gas and bloating to stress and mood fluctuations along with possible skin and dental health concerns. As Hippocrates famously said, “all disease begins in the gut.”

Probiotics are naturally found in fermented foods like kombucha, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi. Ideally, you’d eat these every day, but many of us don’t consume them on a daily basis. I eat yogurt frequently, but I can’t say I have kimchi or kefir all that often. Taking a probiotic supplement is a simple and convenient way to proactively help ensure that your GI tract is healthy, just like a multivitamin can fill the gaps in your general nutrition.

I have taken probiotics on and off for years, especially after a round of antibiotics or sickness to help replenish the good bacteria that got depleted along with the bad. I took them after I had Mazen because I had IV antibiotics while in the hospital, and I gave Mazen some baby probiotics then, too.

Swanson Health Products has been a leading e-commerce retailer of Swanson brand and National brands of vitamins and supplements for nearly 50 years. This probiotic line is their newest offering, and they sent me the whole line to share with you all.

The Everyday Wellness Solutions are great for those who want a general dose of colony forming units (CFUs) for general digestive and immune health and flora support, keeping the good guys strong for optimal gut function. There are seven options in this level:

      • Swanson Probiotic for Daily Wellness
      • Swanson Probiotic for Digestive Health
      • Swanson Probiotic for Kids
      • Swanson Prebiotic for Friendly Flora Support
      • Swanson Probiotic+ D for Daily Wellness
      • Probiotic+ Enzymes for Digestion
      • Swanson Probiotic+ Prebiotic Fiber for Friendly Flora Support

I’ve been taking the Probiotic+ D since my vitamin D levels were low last year. Mazen is loving the chewable tablets for kids, and Thomas is taking the Probiotic+ Enzymes for Digestion. I am eager to see if I notice any difference in my body over time.

In addition to daily wellness, Swanson caters to those with specific needs for digestion and immune support with a condition-specific line of specialty blends, as well as those with the highest potency and the largest number of strains for peak performance in its Ultra category. This includes an Ultra Probiotic designed for Women and one for Seniors.

It’s crazy to me how small bacteria are, and that billions of CFUs can fit into one small capsule. The number of bacteria in each dose ranges from one billion to 66 billion CFUs across the line!

I’ve been taking my probiotic on an empty stomach with a big glass of water first thing in the morning (as per the bottle instructions). This little ritual has made me think more about my morning routine. I’ve been working to make our mornings at home as peaceful as possible now that the weather is warm enough to enjoy coffee out on the deck and throw open a window! Here are five ways to add a little zen to your morning and start the day with the best foot forward:

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than you need. A good morning starts at night. If you want to build in a few extra minutes in the morning, you need to wake up rested and refreshed, so be sure to get a full night’s sleep by going to bed on time and setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier. This will keep unpredictable events from causing delays and will leave you feeling calmer.

Stretch and move. While it would be ideal to start every day with 15 minutes of yoga, that is not realistic for most people. Rather, find ways to multitask by adding stretching into your morning routine. Stretch your calves in the shower, lunge while zipping your jeans, do a forward fold while drying your hair. Move your body to energize your mind!

Drink water and take a probiotic. About 20-30 minutes before you sit down for breakfast, drink a glass of water to hydrate and take a probiotic supplement. Taking probiotics prepares your gut for a day of defense as you tackle the world, so be sure to build up that army before leaving home!

Add in some peaceful touches. There’s a reason we all love spas the candles, music, and quiet vibe all foster a sense of calm. While I know some of you moms are rolling your eyes, remember that something is better than nothing. Light a candle in the kitchen while you make breakfast or put on soothing music while you shower and get dressed. “Fake it until you make it” is my favorite mantra!

Eat a healthy breakfast. Head to food blogs to find quick, easy, make-ahead breakfasts that are healthy and packed with goodness. Overnight oats are a crowd favorite because they take no time to make and are easy for breakfast on-the-go. Eating well for your first meal ensures that you start the day off right and if you’re well-nourished, you’ll be less likely to hit the sweets in the conference room at 10am.

Obviously, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so I am always sure to make it a good one!

Have you ever taken or do you take a probiotic? What is your favorite part of your morning routine?

Thanks to Swanson Health Products for sponsoring this post

The post It Takes Guts To Live Healthier appeared first on Kath Eats Real Food.

from Kath Eats Real Food


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