Whitewash Book Could Get Monsanto’s Roundup Glyphosate Banned Forever

There is a chemical that likely causes cancer being sprayed on 80% of the food in this country and residues have been found in popular foods like Cheerios and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.

This chemical is Roundup Weedkiller (Glyphosate) made by Monsanto.

Even though the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer deemed glyphosate probably carcinogenic to humans, Roundup has NOT been banned. This chemical continues to be used on food crops, parks, playgrounds, and by homeowners everywhere. Glyphosate is now so rampant in our environment that it’s found in honey, cereals, meat, drinking water, breast milk, infant formula, chips, cookies, air samples… the list goes on. 

Since our regulatory agencies are not taking action, this carcinogen continues to proliferate and is contaminating virtually all of the food that we and our children are eating. It’s maddening! Some food brands are taking notice – Ben & Jerry’s recently announced that they’re launching glyphosate-free ice cream by 2020 and other brands are getting certified as glyphosate residue free. This is a huge step in helping to clean up our food supply, but much more needs to be done.

How do we get Roundup BANNED and out of our food?

My dear friend Carey Gillam expertly delves into this issue in her new must-read (and courageous!) book, Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science. Just as Rachel Carson started the environmental revolution which led to getting the dangerous pesticide DDT banned over 40 years ago, I believe Carey’s book will have the same impact on our world.

You’ll find Carey’s information very well researched with a wealth of evidence, full of references and background material. I plan to keep this on my bookshelf to use as a reference. In her book, she breaks down how Monsanto has been able to keep Roundup on the market for decades, despite the dangers it presents to our health and environment. She covers…

  • Stories of families who have lost loved ones to Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and their pending lawsuits against Monsanto.
  • How the science behind glyphosate has been manipulated and distorted by Monsanto.
  • Secret communications which influenced top ranking officials at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • What the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are doing, and NOT doing, about Roundup in our food.
  • How certain scientists and front groups are doing the bidding for Monsanto under the cloak of independence.
  • How food production and nutrient value has been negatively impacted by Roundup.
  • The demise of monarch butterflies.
  • How we can move back to a more balanced and safer place for ourselves and our families.

We have allowed Monsanto to poison us for too long.

Monsanto and big chemical companies may have money and great influence, but as consumers, WE have the greatest power of all. The public at large may not be paying attention now… spraying Roundup in their yards and eating Roundup-Ready GMOs but books like this can open up their eyes so they stop buying and using these products. The public needs to know the truth about what is going on – and it’s up to us to spread the word!

Pick up your copy of Whitewash here or at your local bookstore – Buy and share this book with EVERYONE you know!

Carey goes where most journalists don’t dare to go. In my own experience, I know it takes guts to stand up to billion dollar corporations. It also takes an Army! The vicious attacks can be relentless, and I could never do this work without you by my side. I urge you to pick up a copy of Whitewash and maybe one or two extra to give as gifts to your loved ones. 

Each person we reach with this message is one step closer to taking back our food, our planet, and our health. Thank you for your voice!




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